The Sacraments of the Presbyterian Church:
Baptism & The Lord's Supper
Baptism for All Ages!
The Presbyterian Church baptizes individuals of all ages. Baptism usually occurs once in a person's life. Baptism is a sacrament of the church given to us through the example and command of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Infants and children are presented by their parents and guardians for baptism. At that time the parents and congregation give their pledge to God to teach the child the faith and raise him or her in the church.
Young people can be baptized upon their profession of faith at the time of Confirmation. Adults who never have professed their faith, are baptized upon doing so.
Normally, baptism is a public service, because it is important for the baptized to give witness to his or her faith, and for the congregation to make a public commitment to support the person in the journey of faith.
If you desire to be baptized, or want to have your child baptized, please contact Maria at (603) 526-4800 or by email at [email protected].
Infants and children are presented by their parents and guardians for baptism. At that time the parents and congregation give their pledge to God to teach the child the faith and raise him or her in the church.
Young people can be baptized upon their profession of faith at the time of Confirmation. Adults who never have professed their faith, are baptized upon doing so.
Normally, baptism is a public service, because it is important for the baptized to give witness to his or her faith, and for the congregation to make a public commitment to support the person in the journey of faith.
If you desire to be baptized, or want to have your child baptized, please contact Maria at (603) 526-4800 or by email at [email protected].
The Lord's Supper ~ A Holy Meal
The Presbyterian Church invites all who are baptized to participate in the Lord's Supper on a regular basis. This sacrament was given by Jesus during his "Last Supper" with his disciples. They had gathered to celebrate the Jewish Passover meal, and during that time Jesus redefined the meaning of the bread and cup. He told his disciples the bread was his body, and the cup of wine represented his blood. Jesus had been preparing his followers that he would be crucified, and at this time, his body would be broken, and his blood would be spilled.
At Kearsarge Community Presbyterian, we offer the Lord's Supper to all who cherish Jesus as their savior, and to all baptized children.
Generally, on the first Sunday of each month, at the 10:00 service the Lord's Supper is served. On these occasions the bread and cup are brought to the individuals by the elders and deacons serving communion.
We also observe the Lord's Supper on special occasions, such as Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunday, and during retreats. Upon special request, our pastor can bring communion to your home, the hospital, or other place as needed.
At Kearsarge Community Presbyterian, we offer the Lord's Supper to all who cherish Jesus as their savior, and to all baptized children.
Generally, on the first Sunday of each month, at the 10:00 service the Lord's Supper is served. On these occasions the bread and cup are brought to the individuals by the elders and deacons serving communion.
We also observe the Lord's Supper on special occasions, such as Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunday, and during retreats. Upon special request, our pastor can bring communion to your home, the hospital, or other place as needed.